Friday, May 31, 2013


        Just thought I should actually post something about the baby that's on the way, so here you guys go! 

             Husband and I have a little baby girl on the way, I'm currently 8 months, due date is on July 5th, and the shower- as well as my 20th birthday- is tomorrow! Woop! I will post a bunch of pictures later as well, tagged as- wait, can I tag things?- tiny clothes, baby gifts, baby, and cuteness.

This stuff was from an amazing friend of mine that has helped me spiritually throughout this, as well as physically, by making me some meals and such earlier in the pregnancy when I was having some serious issues.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT can't wait for tomorrow I'm makig cute little things awwweee we gonna have so much fun can't wait to meet my baby niece aka greatniece hehehe
