Thursday, July 19, 2012

I'm more of a Tumblr girl.....

           But, I think that for my life as a new wife, this should do wonders. I guess I can introduce myself and my husband. We are a young pair of newlyweds, sealed on June 9th, 2012. We love the strangest things, and consider "you are so weird" to be a compliment. I am a cosplayer, it's a bunch of anime stuff that you might or might not understand. He does a video "vlog" type thing on youtube, so if anyone want to see that then [WARNING: Shameless self-advertisement ahead] visit his channel, Flyer767. I think I can put links up.... let me try that~! Yes! It works! Okay, as I was saying.....
           Well, we do a lot of strange things, which you will get to see here! I draw, he crochets, I make things out of beads, he ..... crochets. I sew and he likes cats. I like anime, he does to, and he has those videos. He's weird, I'm weird, but we love each other because of it.
           Oh, yeah! I write stories too, but their really cheesy and boring so maybe you'll see little bits of them maybe not. He has a whole novel in his head! It's amazing, I love it, but he's trying to actually get it down n paper.

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