Thursday, July 25, 2013

Cloth Diapers~!

Many have looked at me as if I were an alien or completely fake looking plastic Japanese lizard monster when I tell them about how I'm going to be cloth diapering with my first kid. It might have something to do with me being barely 20, or with it being my first kid, or maybe even with it being 2013. What some people don't get though, is that this isn't your grandma's cloth diapering. Today, due to innovations in cloths and detergents, as well as many creative products for cloth diapering, it is very simple to choose cloth diapers over disposables. Specially looking at all the incentives for choosing cloth~

First we have the obvious reason, and why I looked into them in the first place: environmentally friendly. On average a child uses between 6400-6500 disposable diapers before they are potty trained. Each of those diapers takes 500 years to decompose, and you as a woman are not helping with your monthly contribution of sanitary napkins.

The other reason, which I found out soon after looking around the cloth diaper community, is the gentleness to your wallet. Yes, it might seem like a lot to pay for one diaper, with the prices of cloth diapers being between 12 and 35 dollars, but lets take a look at the previous numbers shall we? If your child will need 6000 or so diapers, the average price PER DIAPER is 20cents. Let us multiply .20 by 6,000......  and get 1,200. It's a pretty big number when compared to the 200-700 you'd have to invest in cloth diapers and accessories. You will be paying between 1200 and 2000 dollars for something that is polluting the Earth, costing you trash bags, and is harmful to your child.

Yes, you heard me, harmful. There are chemicals in disposable diapers that were banned in feminine pads due to causing shock syndrome. Why the heck are they still in a product we use for our babies!? Other chemicals in disposables have been suspected of causing infertility in boys, as well as being responsible for skin rashes.

A fourth reason, if those weren't enough to explain myself, is that they look darn adorable on my little girl, and so they will look adorable on your little one too. They come in so many different prints, patterns, colors, and styles. Some even come with ruffles or pockets!

To recap, cloth diapers are cuter and better for your wallet, your baby, and the world. You and your child would be saving the world, one cute booty cover at a time.

If you'd like to learn more about cloth diapers just visit the links below or leave a comment. I might be new with this, but that's the best time to ask since I'm asking around myself! If I don't know the answer right off the top of my head, I will talk to my friends who have cloth diapered multiple children- and with the same set of cloth diapers might I add, meaning more savings for you!

The three brands I like, since I use AIOs (All In One)  The Bottombumpers are actually my favorite up to now. I have 20 of their one size AIOs and they dry quickly as well as feel great. And lastly GroVia, which has a large selection, from prefolds to one size AIOs, they're were you want to go if you are new to cloth diapering and looking for which option is better for you.

Some informational stuff~

You can also find some cute stuff and other ladies who cloth diaper by following certain tags on social networking websites. e.g. #clothdiapers #clothdiapering  and such.

If you have been converted to the cloth side, don't worry, we have pretties~ and good luck.

If you still prefer the convenience and extra time that disposables provide you with, then that's cool too! I'm just not willing to trade all that other stuff for those two things, but hey, just like breastfeeding isn't for everyone, cloth diapering isn't either.

Congrats on your amazing little treasure, that leaves little treasure for you to change.

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