Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Quickie Post~

I have been having these strange moods where I'm just sad all of a sudden. Not like with my depression, but just sad. It's not the same empty and useless feeling as depression, so I don't understand it. I'm kinda just blaming it on pregnancy mood swings, but I haven't really had any of those anyway. It could just be me misinterpreting stress or worry, but did anyone else have those? Someone to relate to would be nice. 

Onto some nicer topics! 

I get to go out today and take care of some legal crap..... bleh.... But it is necessary, since my maiden name is still on my SSC as well as insurance, meaning that's what would end up on the baby's birth certificate, and well.... we don't want that. I'll also be taking my computer with me, so I'll post something actually interesting later on today. Maybe some drawings or something. Yeah. For now, I will get David's lunch ready and get myself ready to go as well. Hope everyone has a great day and a great time doing whatever it is you guys do. 

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